We have a great line up of Keynote Speakers and Workshops 

Keynote Speakers

Nadira Hussain, CEO, Socitim

Technical Advancements and Changes in Local Government

Exploring the evolution in the way we will work and considering how people will need to adapt and change to be ready for the future.

An established ICT and change management leader, NED and coach with 25+ years’ experience, Nadira has worked primarily in local government; leading the ICT and digital service, managing wider teams including business improvement, transformation and customer services. Nadira has implemented numerous complex change programmes across shared services to deliver new operating models, efficiencies and service improvement.

Helen Cornwall, People and HR Service Manager, South Cambridgeshire District Council and Jonathan Sherlock, Project Manager, Transformation

The 4 day Working Week

Innovating for future ways of working, culture and transformation to drive efficiencies and deliver outstanding customer service.

Liggy Webb

How to Empower Yourself and Thrive 

Award winning and bestselling author,  presenter and international consultant.

Liggy is the founding director of The Learning Architect, an international consortium of behavioural skills specialists. She is recognised as a thought leader on human resilience and works with a wide range of businesses focusing on optimising potential through continual learning and behavioural agility

Pauline Grant, Associate Director of Organisational Development

Positively Energising Leadership – taking your people from surviving to thriving 


Strategic Workforce Planning  

Hear how, working in partnership with WME and the CIPD, we have embarked on our strategic workforce planning journey. We’ll share progress to date and plans ahead that aim to make a real impact across the council. Led by Bal Jacobs, director of workforce & Local Services.

What is AI?

IT & Digital services are enablers for Councils and Sam is passionate about getting the best out of them for the benefit of the Councils that she supported.

Transforming resourcing and recruitment in Local Government   

Join us on this innovation journey as we transform how the sector attracts, recruits, and retains its permanent and temporary workforce. Led by Wolverhampton Resourcing Consultants and Tribepad.

Delivering workforce improcements and saving money with the first regional temporary agency solution – WMTemps  

Launched in April 2022, WMTemps is based on an initial four-year strategic partnership on behalf of the region’s councils worth up to £600m between WME and Opus People Solutions. Join Walsall Council and colleagues from WMTemps and hear about how they have achieved £250k savings in the first 3 months since go-live.